$2,270.00 USD $1,915.00 USD

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Upgrading to the 32-bit SHARC processors allows us to expand the Protea™ software suite to include gain sharing automatic microphone mixing, ambient noise detection and adjustment and automatic feedback suppression. With dynamic range > 114 dB, the ne Series Processors offer studio-quality digital performance.

The ne4400 / ne4800 / ne8800 processors can also serve as automatic microphone mixers in worship and corporate facilities. Ashly offers custom configurations that allow you to customize the ne Series processors to your particular needs – choose from CobraNet®, AES/EBU digital inputs and outputs and mic pre inputs.

-NE-Series Networkable DSP Processors feature high speed 32-BIT SHARC devices to insure that you won't run out of MIPs.

-Updated features include Gain-Sharing Automatic Microphone Mixer, AutomaticT Feedback Suppressor, and Ambient Noise Compensation.

-Ashly's NE-Series processors offer industry-leading signal-to-Noise Ratio performance. (As high as > 115dB.)

-Optional 4-Channel low-noise Mic preamp input card with Euroblock connectors.

-Other options include 4 or 8 Channel AES3 inputs and/or outputs (depending on base model), and CobraNet digital I/O.

-The NE-Series processors are a great choice for worship facilities, meeting rooms, and anywhere you need an unattended sound system.
